portrait of Dr. Michael Dake

Season’s Greetings and Gratitude

Dec. 10, 2021

The end of the year is a time when many of us reflect on the changes in our lives over the past 12 months. Heading into the holidays this year, I find myself thinking instead about how steadfast our University of Arizona Health Sciences faculty, staff and students have remained.

Despite the evolving nature of the COVID-19 virus and the continued swirl of change around the world – or perhaps because of it – we have stayed true to our mission of educating the next generation of health care professionals, researching and solving critical health care problems, and building healthier communities.

When I consider the resolute determination our campus community has demonstrated in pursuing our core education, research and outreach efforts while also serving on the front lines of the pandemic, I am convinced more than ever that the University of Arizona Health Sciences is a truly special place – and I know it's because of the people who work and train here, and your unwavering dedication to improving health and wellness for all.

We have accomplished a great deal in 2021: a major principal-level gift resulting in the newly named R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy; another record year of research awards; three new undergraduate degrees, five new dual degree programs and two new graduate degree programs; and the launch of a statewide mobile outreach to provide vaccinations and education to underserved communities, to name just a few of the year's achievements.

There is much more to come in 2022, including several new Health Sciences initiatives that will extend our reach and impact; but for now, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your commitment and contributions this year. Thank you for your curiosity, your ingenuity, your spirit of solidarity, and most of all, your perseverance.

I wish you and your loved ones season's greetings, and a happy and healthy new year.

Michael D. Dake, MD
Senior Vice President for University of Arizona Health Sciences